Adult Casual Swimming 

Tuesday          11.30am to 12.30pm



$6.50 single pass

$60 ten-pass concession


Please note that swimming caps are compulsory.


Email for more information. 

Adult swimming lessons

We have a very successful program for adults ranging from the non-swimmer to master levels.


Our Coaching Director also has experience at coaching NZ Triathlon representatives at multiple age groups.




Beginner: (30 minutes)

An introduction to the basics of swimming. This level focuses on developing confidence in the water and fundamental skills of freestyle and backstroke. This levels aims to get you swimming 25m freestlye and backstroke.


The class ratio is a max of 1:4. This enables the our experienced instructors and coaches to focus on each individuals needs.


Intermediate: (30 minutes) 

This class is for adults who have some swimming experience but want coaching on their technique. The goals is to be able to complete 100m swimming freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke. A brief introduction to butterfly can also be provided on request.


The class ration is a max of 1:3. This enables our experience instructors and coaches to focus on each individuals needs.


Advance: (60 minutes)

This class is aimed to adults who want to improve their swim fitness and provides an introduction to our training program. The goal is to be able to complete 200m in 5 minutes.


The class ratio is max of 1:5. Our coaches will write a personalised program and provide support throughout the program. It is reccomemended that you attend 2 week per week to improve technique and fitness.


Master: (90 minutes)

This class is for those adults wanting to participate in water sports, such as master gam, triathlon or water polo. After an assesment with one of our coaches, a individualised program will be provided to suit your goals and needs. It is reccommended that you attend 3 sessions per week to master your swim and fitness goals. 


Class of ratio of 1:12.



Current Adult Swimming Lessons Timetable

** Adult lessons run during school term only.

Beginner and Intermediate:

Monday 6:30PM,7PM and Wednesday 11.30am (30 minutes). 




Tuesday and Thursday 7.00am  (60 minutes)



monday, Wednesday and Friday 6.30am (90 minutes)




$25.50 per session for Beginner, Intermediate and Advance level

$45.00 per week for up to 3 sessions Master and Advance level


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