Propeller Swim School Terms and Condition

Propeller Swim School General Terms and Conditions:

·         Swim Fees are payable by the due date as set out on your booking confirmation email. All fees MUST be paid before commencement of student’s first lesson.

·         We do not operate on Public Holidays. If your lesson falls a day of a Public Holiday, you will not be charged for this lesson.

·         There will be no refund for lessons missed due to conflicting activities, holidays or if you choose to miss a lesson.

·         We intend to keep consistency of teachers throughout the term, however, due to unforeseen circumstances we cannot guarantee teachers.

·         There may be occasions when the time of a class is changed, however this will be done in communication with the caregiver.

·         All under 3's MUST wear a disposable little swimmer nappy, even if they are toilet trained. Babies must wear a double layer protection (disposable little swimmer nappy & reusable nappy - both are sold at reception).

·         Swimming caps are compulsory for all swimmers from pre-schoolers and older.

·         Use of cameras and videos: You are permitted to film or photograph your own child, however, you are NOT permitted to film or photograph other children without the permission of the swim instructor and other parents involved.

·         Minimum ratios per class apply. Should class numbers fall below minimum ratios the lesson time may be rescheduled.

·         Rash vests are encouraged as they keep your child a little warmer. If worn they must be tight and not baggy.

·         This is not a public pool, so you need to supervise your child/children before and after lessons.

·         3 strike policy. Tutors will be following 3 strike policy for behaviour management.  1st warning: Verbal warning. 2nd warning: Swimmer out of pool for 5 minutes. 3rd warning: Swimmer sent out of pool for remainder of lesson.



Make-up lesson policy:

Group lessons:

·         There will be no refund for lessons missed due to conflicting activities, illness, holidays or if you choose to miss a lesson.

·         You will receive 1x make-up lesson for each lesson missed.

·         We must receive notification that you will not be attending lessons at least 2 hours before your lesson start time.

·         Make-up lessons can be used within the following terms, only if you continue enrolment.

·         Space in make-up classes is not guaranteed and is dependant of availability.

·         Propeller Swim School reserves the right to cancel booked make-up lessons in the event a lesson is required for a new customer.

·         Credit is not available as an alternative.

·         Make-up lessons can only be booked up to 7 days in advance.

·         Make-up lessons cannot be guaranteed with the same tutor.


Private lessons.

·         Normal fee will be applied to any "no show" private lessons.

·         We will offer 1x credit for a missed lesson due to illness. We must receive notification that you will not be attending lessons at least 4 hours before the lesson start time.

·         For missed lessons, with notification of being absent before 4 hours before the lesson start time, you will only be charged 50% of the lesson fee. We are required to pay our instructors for the time of the lesson throughout the full term, regardless of student attendance.

·      If a students withdraws from a course for any reason , a cancellation fee will be applied based on the remaining term lessons. The fee will  ba calculated at a rate of $10 for every 15minuts or $20 for every 30minutes of the remaining scheduled lessons. This fee must be paid at the time of withdrawal.

Prolonged injury policy

·         We must receive notification of missed lessons at least 2 hours before the lesson start time.

·         Credit will be applied in the event of long-term injury, at Propeller Swim Schools staff’s discretion.

·         Your space in the  group class will be forfeited, and you will need to re-book when ready to commence lessons again.

·        If a students withdraws from a course for long term injury , a cancellation fee will be applied based on the remaining term lessons. The fee will  ba calculated at a rate of $10 for every 15minuts or $20 for every 30minutes of the remaining scheduled lessons. This fee must be paid at the time of withdrawal.

·         Propeller Swim School reserves the right to ask for a medical certificate.